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Unlock the secrets of stunning web design with expert insights and tips

Welcome to my web design blog, where we turn “404 Not Found” into “404 Found” If you think web design is all about code and pixels, think again. I’m here to prove that it’s a wild world of fonts, colors, and divs that can make even the most serious web developer crack a smile. From the struggles of CSS to the joy of responsive design (or lack thereof), we’ll navigate the hilarious hurdles of the digital realm. So grab your mouse (and maybe a magnifying glass for those tiny buttons), and let’s explore the lighter side of web design on my blog, one byte at a time!

Latest Articles

Minimal website design

Minimal Website Design

Craig Valadez     September 15th, 2023

Ah, the internet – a wondrous land of endless possibilities, cat videos, and websites that look like they were designed by a hyperactive toddler…

Responsive design

The Importance of Responsive Web Design

Craig Valadez     September 15th, 2023

In a world where websites can’t strike a downward-facing dog pose or master the art of meditation, they rely on…

Wireframes: The Unsung Heroes of Web Design

Wireframes: The Unsung Heroes of Web Design

Craig Valadez     September 15th, 2023

In the chaotic realm of web design, where creativity and structure must coexist like peanut butter and jelly…

Blog - Craig Valadez: From Fly Fishing to Freelance Web Design – A 20+ Year Journey

Web Designer and Fly Fisherman – A 20+ Year Journey

Craig Valadez     September 14th, 2023

In the vast digital wilderness of the internet, there’s a new blog making…

What Is a Web Design Proposal?

What Is a Web Design Proposal?

Craig Valadez     September 14th, 2023

Are you a web designer or developer with dreams of taking over the internet, one stunning website at a time?

Web Development: 10 Key Trends In 2023

Web Development: 10 Key Trends In 2023

Craig Valadez     September 9th, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is not just a desire but a necessity…